Welcome to Rust Jungle!

Rust Jungle is an interactive tutorial to help you learn the Rust programming language.

The audience for this tutorial are mainly beginners, but also advanced Rustaceans can use it.

Rust Jungle is divided into Stages and each stage consists of multiple lessons.

Most lessons will provide an interactive playground where you can run Rust code and find further information links to learn more about specific topics.

You can navigate through the Rust Jungle by either clicking on Previous / Next or you can simply use your arrow key on your keyboard or swipe left / right on your phone.

Do you like a lesson and want to share it? No problem! We provide social share options for that.

Besides the regular learning path through the Rust Jungle, you can also jump to the Search and find a list of tags, which categorize lessons. Additionally you can search for specific lessons.

We wish you much fun on your journey through the Rust Jungle.

Start your journey!

Rust mascot Ferris