About Rust Jungle

Rust Jungle is based on the awesome Tour of Rust and is built with the high-performance JS framework SvelteKit.

This project is open source and you're welcome to contribute to it via GitHub.

Rust has a steep learning curve and for some people this might be the reason to look for an alternative.
In my experience, once you've learned Rust, you will love it. Others share my experience, otherwise it wouldn't be the most loved language for four years in a row.

The goal of Rust Jungle is to give you an easy start with the Rust programming language with short but useful lessons, separated into stages.
And you are not alone in the Rust Jungle! Ferris the crab will be with you!

Structure of Rust Jungle

Rust Jungle is separated into stages and every stage has multiple lessons. A lesson consists of a small portion of text with an optional running code example and optional further information.

The text just uses 2 kinds of highlighting:

  • Code blocks - Rust syntax elements have a dark background and a white color.
  • Special words - special words or phrases are highlighted with an italic font.

Every stage starts with an introduction which covers all following lessons from that stage in short. It ends with a short summary of that stage.
You can easily ifentify summaries by watching out for a happy Ferris.

Every stage has a maximum of 20 lessons.

Further learning resources


You're welcome to join the official Discord server to connect with other Rustaceans. This is also a place to ask for further help.

Rust mascot Ferris